What’s The Right Amount of Screen Time?

A question I’m asked a lot about at Satellite Gaming events is “how much should I let my kids play video games?” It’s a question my wife and I have been asking as we prepare to bring a kid or kids into our home in the near future. I don’t...

The Nerdy Nugget #3: Video Games & Gaming

Video Games & Gambling This months Nerdy Nugget was inspired by an invitation Satellite Gaming received to host a table at a Marion County gambling awareness event. Our education director, Dylan J, spent some time researching the topic and put together a few...
Keepin’ it 100

Keepin’ it 100

Students use this phrase when they want to keep it real, or say something blunt and honest. But it’s taken on a whole new meaning for Satellite Gaming as the name of our new donorship campaign. From now until April 1, anyone who commits to making a monthly...
The Nerdy Nugget #2:  How Do I Talk to a Gamer?

The Nerdy Nugget #2: How Do I Talk to a Gamer?

Like a person. In all seriousness, at Satellite Gaming we’re all about bridging the gap between gamers and non-gamers. We highly encourage non-gamers interested in Satellite Gaming to strike up conversations with our gamer friends, but we also know that sometimes you...