About Us

Learn about us, our why, and our mission

Our Mission

Satellite Gaming has a desire to point students to the person of Jesus Christ by…


Satellite Gaming has a desire to point students to the person of Jesus Christ by…

  • Building relationships
  • Making ourselves available to answer questions about Jesus
  • Hosting student leader meetings where stories of Jesus ‘character and personality are observed through scripture (New Testament and Old Testament)
  • Inviting students to camps and events with local churches and ministries Praying with students
  • Demonstrating the love of Jesus

Statement of Faith

We believe that scripture (The Bible) is the Word of God.

We believe in one triune God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

We believe that Jesus…

…is God living amongst humanity

…lived a sinless life

…was crucified for the atonement of our sins

…defeated death by resurrecting

…is eternally sitting at the right hand of the Father

We believe accepting the gift of Jesus’ sacrifice is the way to bridge the gap (or Rift) that exists between man and God.


See how much our cause makes a difference in the community. View Source


of teens played games “yesterday.”


of teens play on a console like the Xbox, PlayStation, or Wii.


use a cell phone or handheld organizer to play games.

Our Team

Satellite Gaming has a growing team. Here are a few faces you might see around

Jamie Harris 2 - Founder

Jamie Harris

Founder and CEO

Jessica Harris 2

Jessica Harris

Executive Administrator

Nathan Tamplen 2

Nathan Tamplen

Local Program Director

David Miller 2

David Miller

Curriculum Director


Program Director


Program Director


Program Director


Program Director

We rely on over 70 volunteers with each community event and a solid team of regular, weekly volunteers.

Thank you to all who participate!